It's been awhile since I blogged. Partly through illness and partly through Covid effects upon the household, and Col's heart bypass.  And partly through contemplating whether to delete the blog altogether because of time, other interests and ageing (degeneration and deterioration!)

I've started the New Year by updating publications etc. from last year on my writer's CV and records. In the process I managed to wipe out my laptop clean of everything on my desktop - help! I eventually got the whole lot back minus the mornings work. On showing Col what id did (by demonstration) ha ha - I lost it all again. This time I couldn't get it back. So Col googled it and got it all back for me. It had something to do with One-drive, which I basically ignore, and now, it's on my to do list for reading up on... and, I shall be slower with mouse clicks in future and less quick to panic.

I'm starting this year's writing life by sending off some poems to competitions, working on my next children's picture book  (I have two away being illustrated by a very talented artist), and editing and collating one of the three poetry collections I have almost ready. I've put the next novel on hold, I don't have time or head space from it, after years of different versions I think it's outdated now, and I keep having to rewrite much of it. I am not one to give up though, perseverance being my middle name...