May 28, 2019

Anthology by Indigo Dreams Publishing 2019, to aid the work of the League Against Cruel Sports. £10.00 from:  205 pages of some of the best poets writing today. (I'm honoured to be amongst them.)


May 7, 2018
I've had a few technical difficulties for a couple of months with my blog site, which stopped me doing anything. Pleased to say it's all sorted now. Sometimes it's hard to believe I once once a science technician and in charge of all the school's computer systems. I often used to ask for help from the physics teacher who seemed to know everything back then. Now I have a wiz kid I can ask who runs his own business, pleased to say I didn't have to ring him up this time. But it's taken me awhile...
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Seat How Summit Trail

May 14, 2017

From Whinlatter Visitor Centre, Keswick, Cumbria. April 26th 2017

Moss dripped on branches, hung like green wigs from trunks on thousands of standing and many fallen trees. The path also revealed cut-outs of slate rock which had little falls of pink and grey slate shingle where I searched in vain for fossils. Tree creepers and mistle-thrush teased us for a photo shoot. The steep path was wide and looking back we could see an array of brown and grey mountains intermittently lit by the sun. The ...
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Fifty Ways to Fly

April 13, 2017

An anthology of 50 brilliant poems from various poets.

First published in Great Britain, 2017


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Happy Burns Night 25th January

January 26, 2017

Happy Burn’s Night 25th January

Norwich Book Club discussed my poetry book ‘Notes From The Balcony’.

What an honour for me, who ever thought I’d be in such a position given I’m the youngest of ten children – a coal miner’s daughter. I left school at age 15 to work in a factory. I have to thank Adult Education – in schools, The Open University and the University of East Anglia, and lately on-line learning courses and of course my publishers.  I confess I love being a stude...

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July poetry books

August 2, 2016

Magazines subscriptions all seem to come at once! There's a couple here I brought, one freebie, and one to review. I also purchased The Somnabulist by Jenny Morris and Go Set A Watchman by Harper Lee, the latter two read and loaned out. Hmm where do I start now?

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The Devil's Throat

March 18, 2016

Available from 25th April 2016
from Amazon Kindle

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Poetry and Pimms

August 16, 2015
Poetry and Pimms
Saturday 15 August 2015

With a spectacular backdrop of the marshes at Cley and the setting sun, three of us (Julia Webb, Mathew Howard and me) recited our poetry to an appreciative audience. We centred our poems on the theme of 'nature'. Pimm's was flowing, and on a break with refreshments, we watched hares bounding and playing in the adjoining field, and a kestrel hunting. Special thanks to Rachel (of NWT Cley Marshes) for organising the event.

Early ...

Hares in the next field...
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May 4, 2015

Their first meeting – the coach for Archant’s annual awards ceremony,
Mandy walked down the aisle refilling raised glasses. Hot Tottie!
cried Andrew. Squashed together colleagues in best attire fell silent.
Mandy turned, hair cascading, and she laughed.

Theirs was a long-distance romance. Distance brought planes
and trains keeping track, distance brought car journeys
on snow-cotton drifts, distance brought photo’s lighting walls
and shelves with family and friends.

If you were...

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Poetry Unboound

March 14, 2015

This poem is currently on display at the Millennium Library in Norwich. Poets can drop a poem 'in the box' or via email, if selected the poem will be put on display in the library and when taken down will be stored for folk to browse on the web page. This poem was inspired by my observations of the flamingos in the pond I frequently pass (behind a fence!) when dog walking.

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